Saturday, July 16, 2011

The House Completion Celebration Postponed

While mowing the yard today Buffy came out to tell me she was sick. I rushed to get finished and then came in. Chloe was the only one home this morning due to the kids being gone for the church lock-in. We sent Buffy to bed and Chloe played all morning.

I went to pick up the kids from church and listened to their stories about the lock-in. It sounds like they had a great time. I was very pleased with the over all theme and experience the kids had.

Afterward, we headed to Wal-Mart to pick up crackers, Sprite and some other items for dinner tonight. The House Completion Celebration has been postponed due to sickness. We will reschedule this event (The Hughes Family Going Out to Eat) for next weekend. Most importantly though is that Buffy gets to feeling better.

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