Sunday, July 17, 2011

Crazy Sunday

Buffy wasn't feeling well this morning so the kids and I went to church without her. Without Buffy I had to teach the 1-3 grade class alone. The kids were abnormally wild which translated to a very interesting class. We have helpers in the classes but they are there more to help with ones that need a bit more attention. I am not for sure the children learned anything today but one could only hope.

After Sunday School we all traveled down to the sanctuary. I had 2 extra visitors on our row from class. So it was one adult and 6 kids. Buffy did the same thing a couple of weeks ago so she experienced the same thing. It is a bit distracting but also kind of a compliment. Apparently God is using us to make some impact. So even if we have to do the shhhhhh quiet sign in church the kids see us as someone who cares.

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