Friday, July 15, 2011

Kids everywhere

Yesterday my brother and his wife headed off to a worship conference. That is not before leaving their little smiling baby with us. We had to go to Wal-Mart to pick up some sleeping bags for the kids lock-in tonight. We had 5 kids with us but it really felt no different than taking 4. We always get the stares and comments each time we venture out.

"You look like you have your hands full"
"They look like little ducks in a row"
"Are those all yours?"

These are just a few of the many comments we get. Adding a 5th did not increase the stares any. Well it might have some but only because we had a baby with us. Something about a baby always draws smiles. Especially when the Baby you have smiles all the time.

We dropped the kids off at church this afternoon for the lock-in. Chloe couldn't go but we took her to Subway and will let her play the Wii and PC games. Our kids like that because they can pick out what they do without having to compromise with others.

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