Friday, July 22, 2011

Apparently it doesn't matter what time you mow.

I was for certain mowing around 6:00PM would be much cooler. Although I am sure it is, a person still sweats bullets. I hadn't even completed our front yard and I was soaked. Sweating doesn't bother me but sweat in my eyes does. I have to stop ever few minutes and wipe sweat before it stinks my eyes. I know that the main reason I am having this issues is the hair that use to be on my head is gone. I no longer have a sweat soaking buffer. I am very close to getting me an 80's head band to keep that from happening. That or maybe a do-rag. The do-rag may win out on this one.

Tomorrow we will be heading to Paducah for our house is complete celebration. It will be a whole day thing and I am sure some money will be spent.

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