Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day of Celebration (House is Done)

Today we loaded up and headed to Paducah for our house is completed celebration. We were meaning to do this last weekend but SOMEONE had to go and get a stomach bug. So we postponed it for this weekend.

Going to the mall is always fun when you have kids with you. Right now they are at the age where they need to stay with us. The girls went and picked out earrings at one of the jewelry stores. Then Micah wanted a hat and some flip flops. He picked out a hat that I have seen some teenagers wearing. A few years back you would only see elderly men wearing them. I had to tell myself that I too was a preteen and wanted to stay in style.

We hit a few other stores and then headed to Olive Garden for our lunch/dinner. We beat the old people to the resturants that way. We are usually leaving when they are coming in. The food was great and the kids had a good time. We don't eat out much so it was a treat for us all.

It was a great day with the family. I will post some pictures once I hook my phone up to the PC.

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