Friday, April 15, 2011

It all stemmed from lunch plans

It is important that you go to the bottom of the post and read up. I am too lazy to reverse it. We had to call it because this would go on until the end of time. lol! Fun times! Thanks John for the laughs.

(Go to bottom and read up)

From: Hughes, Jamie
Ah that is the illusion I created. That way you would never see this coming.

From: Hughes, John
I forgot one important thing. It’s hard to mind control someone without a brain.

From: Hughes, Jamie

What you don’t know is that I knew that you attempt to control my brain. So ahead of time I implanted a microchip in my brain only accessible by me that reverses your brain control. Also my brain has been equipped with a self defense mechanism that attacks any attempts by you. It uses a chemical that actually slowly poisons your brain and the more you do it you subtract a year from your life.

From: Hughes, John
That’s good because I will use my mind control powers to use you to communicate with the robot. Better yet, I’ll mind control you into stabbing yourself in the brain with a crayon.

From: Hughes, Jamie
It doesn’t have to use the steering it is mind powered by the super genius robot I had created. Oh also he is a robot incapable of communicating with anyone but me.

From: Hughes, John
Your plane won’t fly because I stole it’s steering yoke.

From: Hughes, Jamie
My plane travels so fast and in such a way I can teleport.

From: Hughes, John
So how are you getting in if there is a huge glass bubble around it? You are still here and the bubble is there.

From: Hughes, Jamie
Not to my island because it is incased in a huge impenetrable glass bubble. It is actually covered in magic bean stalk killer designed by top notch scientist.

From: Hughes, John
The magic beans I bought grow into a teleportation portal. Guess where it takes me?

From: Hughes, Jamie
Ah what you didn’t know is your house sits on a large amount of oil. BP has already advanced my money. Have fun whilst I fly out to my island. Don’t follow me because it will be on a my own military jet in which will shoot you down.

From: Hughes, John
That’s impossible because there is no money in my accounts. We are overdrawn because I needed all the cash I could get my hands on to buy magic beans. And you can have the money pit of a house and debt laden cars. Enjoy SUCKER!!!!!!!!!

From: Hughes, Jamie
That’s weird because your wife also signed your account and assets to me just this minute. That means that which was yours is now mine. Oh and I have already spent it on an undisclosed island in which the money is in Jamie Bucks a currency designed by me.

From: Hughes, John
Oh I also forgot to tell you. Your wife signed your account and assets over to me too.

From: Hughes, Jamie
That’s funny because this morning at 10:15 the money was wired to my check account.

From: Hughes, John
Yeah, that’s funny because when I left at 10 last night those papers were shredded in the waste basket. Odd how that happens. Also they signed the house and their money over to me last week.

From: Hughes, Jamie
That is weird because I signed papers to be the executer last night.

From: Hughes, John
Also mom wanted me to tell you that she hates you and I’m the favorite son. You are being written out of the will.

From: Hughes, Jamie

From: Hughes, John

From: Hughes, Jamie
I don’t really care. We can go early if you would like.

From: Hughes, John
Just wondering what time you wanna go?

From: Hughes, Jamie

From: Hughes, John
You staying here or going somewhere else?

1 comment:

Luke said...

Wow, that got exponentially crazier and crazier. Well done Hugheses.