Thursday, April 14, 2011

SCC and MCU Students

Tonight we went to Shawnee Community College for another Mid-Continent registration night. I love going to registrations because we get to put a name with a face. I always ask if they are excited about starting classes again. Most of the time the answer is "Yes, and a bit scared at the same time". After all these students may have been out of school for years and are worried that they have lost the edge needed for school. When actually a good majority of the students bring something with them.

With the Advantage Program you must be older than a traditional setting. So the students we have range from late 20's to 70's. They bring a commitment to learn with life experience. The drive they have often is fueled by their want for something more in a job. Of course it is scary to them because it is out of their normal comfort zone. But once they complete their degree there will be a understanding of accomplishment that can lead to greater things.

Anyway sorry to bore you I just needed to post the day's thoughts.

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