Saturday, April 16, 2011

Limited Vocab Teens

This afternoon we went to Paducah for some time alone while my parents kept our kids. For dinner that evening we decided to eat at the mall. The Chinese restaurant we decided to eat in is right smack dab in teenager central. That usually is not a big deal but apparently a few rough ones made it in. Their language was less than desirable and actions not much better.

Buffy and I began talking about how we acted as teens. I remember those days and the worse we did was shoot straw wrappers at each other. I am absolutely certain our volume level was high but running down the isle of a restaurant with both hands flipping people off was something I didn't do.

I wanted to grab them up and smack them. I guess we are getting old now. I just hope and pray our children at least act semi polite when alone.

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