Saturday, April 28, 2007

What is it with weird things people don't like.

Today at our late B-Day parties for our girls we were discussing weird things people don't like. We began mentioning them.

Me - I don't like people touching my Adam's apple or belly button. Also I hate running through spider webs and if you smack me square in the back I will probably punch you in the tooth.

Buffy - She doesn't like you to ruffle her eye brows the opposite direction or to tickle her feet. If you tickle her feet it would be like wrestling an angry alligator.

Davida - She hates knees altogether. If you touch hers she freaks and if you move you knees around she panics. (really weird but hey...that's Davida)

Denisha - She dislikes you messin' her brows up too.

I am sure you all have things like this. Please take a minute to post in the request spot your weird dislikes.

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