Monday, April 30, 2007

A warm sunny day in Coldwater, KY

It is a really nice day out here in Coldwater. I plan on picking up the kids bringing them in for a snack and head out to let them enjoy the day outside. The weather seems to be headed the right direction finally.

I received and email not to long ago that a certain group of churches will be conducting a conference in August. The were asking me to considered doing the event as the lead speaker (can think of a better word). I was excited and ready to go but I wanted to make sure that that is what God wanted me to do. After some prayer I realize that this is something he is leading me to do. So soon I hope to get more information on this.

Get out there and enjoy THIS DAY!

"Since my youth, O God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds."
Ps 71:17

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