Friday, April 06, 2007

Sitting in a coffee shop.

Today me and my brother went for our normal Friday morning coffee meeting. When entering the building I noticed a man sitting in our chairs. Although I wanted to go over there and dump him out I figured that might not be the best idea. Remember I haven't put caffeine in my body yet so I am a little grumpy at this time. So I just took my cafe mocha and the breakfast bar to a coffee type bar area. This all faces out the window. Once my bother enters (astonished at the man in our area) he sits down too. I realized that when we talked we looked at the window the whole time. Instead of sitting in the nice comfortable chairs and having a intriguing conversation we were having problems communicating looking out the window.

So next time Mr seat stealer you are going in the FLOOR!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Murray Ledger and Times Headlines
Pastor arrested at local coffee shop for "assault and battery".