Thursday, January 25, 2007


Well last time I posted I told you I would post about the wedding. That is still to come I just need some time to do it. So check back later for that information.

Have you ever been so drained that it takes great effort to do just about anything? Well that has been me over the last few weeks. I am battling some sort of chest cold and I have been for weeks. I have been having a hard time sleeping some nights due all of that. Not to mention I have tons of homework that has been due. I will be glad when I am just back to my Tuesday classes. Then mentally my brain has been drained leaving me wondering around in la la land. Finally I have been spiritually drained. Yes that is right sometimes pastors get that too. That effects everything else. Fortunately I know how to refuel for that.

Me and Buffy haven't been out on a date in months. It really doesn't have anything to do with the children because we usually can get someone to watch them for a few hours. It is mostly work, school and other things that have lead to our date night being pushed away. We have like 4 different types of gift cards for food and movies but no time to use them.

Now for many of you this may seem like a pity party for me. Maybe it is somewhat but I tend to write what is on my mind. That is what I am going over in my brain at this moment.

So for my wife:
Will you go out on a date with me maybe this weekend? I think we can do this...I miss our time alone. I love you and I need that time where we can just share what is on our hearts.

For my children:
Daddy is going to slow things down a little and spend some more QUALITY time with you.

For me:
Slow down ...Focus on what matters most.

Most importantly for God:
I am devoting more time to you. I need a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

is this place dying?