Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A cold cold day.

The weather around here is really weird. It will make it to 60 degrees on one day and then like right now it is 24 degrees. Makes you wonder why everyone is so sick. At our church 3 kids have had type A and B flu. One had RSV and another pneumonia.

If you come into our church on Sunday it is hack fest 2007. Everyone (including myself) has junk in their lungs and are coughing like crazy. I have been to the Dr 2 times and the last one they have me an inhaler and some more predinsone. My children all have coughs and Buffy is just now beginning to be inducted into the Hack Club.

I have no idea why I just typed most of that. It all lead from the cold weather I guess. So you all stay inside, bundle up and eat Vitamin C like it is candy.

Oh and one more thing. I will post some things about John and Rachel's Wedding next post. I had to complete the AZ Mission info first. Cya all!!!

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