Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Zondervan's Archaeological Bible.

I purchased a new bible a while ago on Amazon.com. It was cheaper than anywhere else local or on the net. I had seen this bible in stores when it first came out but really didn't think I needed another bible. As it stands right now I have 8-10 Bibles. One of them has 4 versions in it so that one should count as 4 (lol).

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Anyway the bible is called the NIV Archaeological Study Bible produced by Zondervan. It comes in various styles but I chose the leather bound bible. It has 2 colors (burgundy and tan) which I picked because it looks more "Archaeological". The bible is full of facts about locations, artifacts and other historical details that seem to take you right there. I love it!!! You should buy one.

The coolest thing was after ordering it I had decided I wanted to start a new type of devotional for myself. Last Sunday I felt like I wanted to read in Jeremiah. I didn't know why just that it seemed to be where I wanted to. The bible came in yesterday and the little ribbon marker was one the first chapter of Jeremiah. Ok God...I think I get the point...Jeremiah is where I will read. LOL! Isn't it great how the Lord guides us?

I promise to post about the wedding soon. I had some issues yesterday with Photobucket where I load my pictures. Hopefully tomorrow I can get them in. Cya all!

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