Thursday, October 06, 2011

I know...

It has been a while since my last post. Life has been extremely busy in the last few weeks and blogging has been on the bottom of the list. I finally decided that I needed to at least put something down on my blog.

I believe I have finally come to a point in my life again where I hear God's call. I had always stated that in time I would begin doing some sort of ministry again. I know that God has always called me to teach (some call it preach). About 2 Sundays ago I was in a state of silence at the close of our service. As the music played God gently called to me "It is time to start again Jamie". I have told many people that I want to be there if a church/pastor needed someone. I want to be the person you can call at the last minute in a time of need. I will be placing my name out there as pulpit supply. This isn't a vocational ministery calling at all and I know that. Too many pastors out there need someone if they are sick, on vacation or needing a break. I can't offer much but "here I am Lord".

With that said my next blog will be about "The Bible as a Story". This sentence is more as a reminder for me.

1 comment:

Buffy said...

Busy and taking care of your crazy wife too! You are the best and we will do whatever God wants of us, as always. I love you so much more than you'll ever realize:-)