Friday, August 05, 2011

The Chase to Hobah

Genesis 14:15-16
During the night Abram divided his men to attack them and he routed them, pursuing them as far as Hobah, north of Damascus. 16 He recovered all the goods and brought back his relative Lot and his possessions, together with the women and the other people.

The name Hobah comes from the Hebrew word "taba" which means to hide. Abram and his guys not only attacked the kings but chased them. It also states in this verse that they recovered all the goods that was stolen as well as Lot's family and servants. For some reason I envision these kings running like crazy and tossing stuff as they flee.

Whatever the case Abram and his army comes to Lot's rescue. Remember this is the same Lot that thought he was pulling a fast one on uncle Abram. I guess the land Lot picked wasn't so good after all.

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