Monday, July 04, 2011

Happy 4th - 2011

I didn't get a lot accomplished today. I decided to grill for dinner tonight. Here is the menu:

Sauteed Zucchini
Sauteed Squash
Sauteed Mushrooms
Hot Dogs (Kids meal

For desert I attempted to grill a pineapple. I cored the fruit and sliced it into rings. Then I stacked the pineapple back together and filled the core with butter, brown sugar and vanilla and wrapped it with foil. I placed it in the smoker and let it slowly cook. After a while I took it out and quickly slapped the rings on the grill for marks and placed them on the plate. Finally, I took a scoop of vanilla ice cream and drizzled the sauce made in the foil. It was pretty good for my first try.

We ended the night watching Mayfield city fireworks from our driveway. It was a relaxing day.

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