Sunday, May 01, 2011

Hughes family incomplete at church today.

Hannah woke up sick this morning so Buffy stayed home with her. The rest of us headed to church. I don't like when our family is not together at church. It feels weird when we don't take up a whole row at church. Also, I miss my wife sitting beside me and holding my hand.

The service was good and my co-worker and friend Luke did an awesome job. The pastor, Luke and I will be doing a message series together. It is about identity in Christ. His sermon was about being God's masterpiece. At the end everyone in the church had a little paint brush to remind them of that point. Our kids remembered the message and explained it to Buffy and Hannah when we got home. I preach in two weeks about overcoming things. As of right now I believe it will be about overcoming scars. We will see though.

We are finishing up the day and I am going to spend some time with Buffy before the busy week hits.

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