Sunday, April 10, 2011

Love and War completed

Tonight we completed our final "Love and War" class at church. It has been great to sit with couples of all ages, dynamics and years experience. All of the topics we talked about brought some realization of how bless I am to be married to such a great woman. Of course we having times we disagree, fight and bicker. Every couple has those times because we are human. We are blessed in such a way because we are best friends in love with each other. We share fears, tears, triumphs, defeats and happy moments with each other. In some of our hardest times in life God has grown us closer to himself and each other. I truly give him praise for everything he has done in us and for us. Now if we could just find the time to take Dance lessons...hehe


Buffy said...

What about painting in the garage (art not the walls). That is something we can do right now:-) Love you more than you'll ever imagine!

Sozo said...

Love you too. That is right once we have a garage again this summer we can paint. Whooo hooo