Saturday, April 09, 2011

Saturday plans semi completed

Our original plans for today was to purchase landscaping gravel and spread it out. I got up early this morning and the radar showed storm clouds headed our way. So I sent my brother a text calling the trip a no go. I lay back down just in time to hear Hannah crying in her bed. I rush in the girls room do check on them. Hannah and Abbi both were sick to their stomachs. So to the couch we went with bowls, blankets and stuffed animals.

Needless to say the storm missed us and I decided to head to my parents house to pick up some items for yard work. After spending some time chatting with my Dad and Mom I came back tools in hand. I began trimming bushes that were out of hand and killing rose bushes that I don't want. Afterward I mowed the front lawn. About halfway through trimming up the back yard my body told me no more. I guess my test yesterday still leaves your abdomen sore. I will have to put that off until next week.

Time to watch some Nascar.

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