Sunday, January 16, 2011

That there Clark is what you call an RV.

A couple of days ago I was running to Walmart for some items in the evening. While leaving I saw this camper pull up and set up. The gentleman came out started up what I believe was a generator and went back in. This motor home was probably form the 1970-80 era.

I thought at first how funny it was that they were camping in Walmart parking lot. Then I began to feel bad because maybe that is all the couple had. Then I noticed the car that was being towed behind was a nice little car. Finally I found myself a bit jealous. Wouldn't it be great to just jump in a camper and head out? You could stop when you wanted to where ever you wanted to. I thought of traveling around the US with my family and taking them to places they would always remember.

Buffy knows this is one of my dreams. I want to take the kids for a road trip out west before they are too old to appreciate it. It may never happen but there is always hope as long as there is a Walmart.

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