Sunday, October 14, 2007

Marshmallow fires

A couple of nights ago we had a traditional southern "weenie roast". I have to admit I was pretty proud of my fire making skills. It has been a looooong time since I have made a campfire so I was afraid I would be spending long hours nursing a fire into existence. But after carefully placing the logs and setting the fire it worked very well.

We had hot dogs and smores to eat and the kids loved it. Denisha (my niece) and her boyfriend Trevor (future relative) came over and we cooked and sit around the fire. It was fun to just sit around and talk for a bit.

As to the blog title...What is it that makes marshmallows so flammable? I don't know but it is pretty cool to let it catch on fire and then wait for it to turn completely black before you blow it out. If you haven't consumed a burnt marshmallow you haven't lived buddy. You know back in the day when they set fire to arrows with some sort of rag on a stick it was pretty cool. But think if they had been able to get their hands on marshmallows. Not only are they flammable but the also make a slimy burning substance that could have been well used during war times.

I will post tomorrow about our Putt Putt golf adventure tomorrow.

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