Thursday, April 19, 2007

Ministering to VT

It seems as though when you think evil things in this world can't get any worse they do. Without a doubt the whole world sits in total sadness at the tragedy that unfolded at Virgina Tech. I myself could not phatom what would make a person do such a thing. A person that would devalue life so much that they take it so freely and without remorse. We ask why and yet deep down we know the answer. Things like this happen because there is evil in the world. In the days to come students, family and friends of the victims will morn. The nation morns with them for such times as this our hearts go out.
I ask that you pray daily without ceasing for everyone involved in this. To often we say a prayer once and think that is enough. Continuous prayer is needed because the days ahead will be long.
For the students of VT. We are praying for you!

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