Thursday, July 07, 2011

Smell of Stain

The smell of stain in the house has been a constant occurrence. Each room has gone through a process of carpet removal, wall painting, floor prep and then the staining process. This usually means a room is about to be completed. The very last room in our house is in the completion stages now. I have to be honest I am ready for that to be done. Buffy has done almost ALL of the floors in the house and the majority of the painting. I have helped where I could and have always been involved in the final stages.

After the utility room floor is completed that leaves me with changing out electrical outlets and quarter round. After that is just clean up in our garage. This has been the holding area for our junk and renovation supplies. Saturday I hope to have all the junk out of the garage.

We have been in this face lift process since September 3 (according to Buffy's Blog). We sure have learned a lot about home repair and patience. I still must be thankful that God has blessed us with a house we can enjoy.

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