Saturday, July 09, 2011

Saturday work day

Today I spent most of the day outside. I made our final massive dump run to throw the last of our carpet away. It was great to finally load up the truck and clear a lot out of our garage. I can finally see the end of our house transformation tunnel.

I decided to climb on to our roof this afternoon to clean out the gutters. I found out a few things. First I am still afraid of heights. I had to push back my fears and go to the edge of the roof. My children watched as thier dad crawled to the edge like a pansy.

I also realized roofs are blazing hot in the Summer! I know common sense tells you that. It wasn't the temperature radiating that was horrible. I could handle that. It was the burning of skin as I crawled to the edge. Finally, I realized I do not want to be a roofer. The combination of heights and heat are a recipe for disaster for me.

I ended the day with mowing the lawn. It was almost to tall for my normal height setting. This made the mowing process longer but it got done. Even though it was a long day I felt like I accomplished something.

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