Sunday, September 09, 2007


Yesterday I went golfing with 2 of my youth (Zach and Chris) and one of their teachers from school (Sam). I have been perfecting my iron shots and have really been looking forward to seeing if that worked. As a whole I really did do better than normal and I played better than I ever have. In no way would I want you to think I was good though. I can't really even play but yesterday was the best.

To get back to my story we were on a par three and it has been my Everest. It has a creek on one side and I always seem to put it in the drink. The hole is a straight shot but somehow I seem to always mess it up. Yesterday I picked my iron and prepared for my shot. I squared up and took a long smooth swing. The ball traveled perfectly on the green and I heard this CLAAANG. I had hit the flag pole and the ball landed an inch or two away from the hole. Needless to say I had a 2 on a Par 3 and I was excited this is the first birdie for me ever and was almost a hole in one.

Now I have seemed to at least use a iron more correctly I need to move on to the woods. I have to get rid of a wicked slice. Then I might be able to pretend to play par 5's. Wooot hooot!

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