- Emotional Pain
- Stress Relief
- To Experience feeling in a life where things seem numb or empty
- Anger Release
- A way of dealing with depression
- A feeling of being overwhelmed
- Many other reasons
Another theory is that they receive comfort from it during hard times. Due to the release of beta endorphins. These endorphins are things released from the body to help relieve pain. Many people label this a "runners high". The easiest way to describe this is thinking of a time when you over did something. We all have had a time where we played basketball or some sport all day or walked, ran or worked out a lot in one day. You notice that the day after and the next day you hurt. You never understood why you didn't hurt afterward. The whole thing is that your body produces endorphins to help with pain. Slowly they wear off and you will notice pain. So understanding that all would help you to see that this natural pain reliever would be something a person could use. Most don't know about the endorphins but they do notice that emotional pain seems to subside for a brief time.
I have spoke with many youth that have cut or know someone who is cutting. While I was in Arizona I worked with a teenager that was cutting herself. Once her grandmother noticed this she sent her to counseling. I asked her why she felt like she needed to do that and she expressed that she hurt on the inside and she wanted to match that with the outside. I really had a hard time digesting that. I later found out that there was a lot of abuse in her life and she was using that as a coping mechanism.
I could go on and on about different cases I have seen or known about. One thing that seems to be prevalent throughout it all is that they are hurting. It could be emotional or physical but there is an intense hurt. Often times we don't know it exists because it is hidden from those that might actually care. That is why I labeled this blog "Silent Pain". For that is what it is...a silent pain that needs a cure.
Oh and a side note: Christians can be using cutting as well. Don't write this off to a secular world. It happens with our youth and in our churches. Confining it to just one group is a mistake.
Finally, we as Christians don't need to look at these people in pains as freaks or disturbed. It is a real problem that needs a real cure. To a world where there seems no hope it would be hard to find a cure. I know that Christ is the cure and he can help us in times of need.
Why am I discouraged?
Why is my heart so sad?
I will put my hope in God!....
Ps. 42:5a
I recommend listening to this song. It really spoke to me. The is from the perspective of Christ saying that this is the last night you will have to spend alone if you cling to him in times of need.
Listen to Song
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