The night before last I suddenly came down with some sort of stomach bug. I was sick all night and then in the morning I felt like a Mac Truck had run over me and then backed up over me just to make sure I was hit. I decided that I was going to try to go to class last night and I made it almost an hour and a half before I came home. The rest of the night I laid around the house and tried to recoup. This morning I feel a lot better but I still have a bit to go.
Anyway I am taking a business ethics class at Mid-Continent. I really have begun to like this class because we are studying some philosophy as well. If you really think about it we need to. Morals and ethics come from somewhere. I love philosophy and I plan to do some more reading after I graduate. There is just one person I really have a hard time dealing with and that is Frederick Nietzsche. The main reason is that he totally bashes Christians in his writings. Although he has that right it also so taints his philosophy. You can see utter hatred in his philosophy toward Christians. Philosophy is the search for wisdom and a true wise man to me examines things and never bashes anything. A lot of them leave it open for more discussion. Anyway, I plan to read some more in June and yes I will probably study some of Nietzsche 's writings. I need to see if he has any true wisdom in his writings.
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