Last weekend the youth and I went to a youth discipleship type weekend. This is not the Disciple Now conference that you may have heard before. The event was held at Westside Baptist Church in Murray. It was hosted by the Baptist Campus Ministry. They did an excellent job and I really took away a lot.
The focus was on social injustices that are happening all over the world. One of these injustices in particular was in Uganda. Here children wander the streets and sleep in bus stops, basements and below hospitals. Many times they sleep on cold wet floors. The ages range from 3-18. The reason they are hiding is that they don't want to be abducted and sent to training camps. In those camps they will be taught how to kill. Learning about these things will break your heart.
I began to feel uncomfortable while watching the footage of these tragic events. Then it came to me. The reason I was so uncomfortable was that I was so comfortable. That may seem wierd to you but after thinking about it I bet you would understand it too. We have become so comfortable in our environments that we are detached to what is happening all over the world. We don't want to feel uneasy. We turn a deaf ear to what is happening. We don't know because we don't want to. I say it is high time we started listening for humanities cry out for help. We have the answer to all things and the hope for a greater tomorrow. Yet while I sit here and type this over 600 children have died. Waiting for someone else to do it is idiotic.
I guess really my wake up call is to us all and especially those in America. We are one of the most wealthy and prosperous nations in the world. It's time we reach into those resources and help others.
There is so much more that I would like to type here. The problem is a person would get tired of reading after a while. Here are some links:
Invisible Children (Watch the video)
Filling His Nets
World Vision
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