Yesterday we had a new phone system installed in the church. We have needed them as long as I have been here. The old ones were not working and one you had to hold the cord a certain way or you could not hear the person on the other end. Some how they could hear you but nada on your end.
I enter my office and start to play with this new gadjet as often we all do when something new is purchased. I pretty much figured it out except there is a button labeled RI's. Apparently it drops all calls so if I push that button everyone would be disconnected. Me and the music minister (Dee) are trying to figure out this paging thing. I keep pushing buttons but it beeps at me and so I will wait until our all knowing secretary gets here tomorrow.
Anyway about this gut scan I had today. They found a cyst on one of my kidneys. That is not a big deal because people have those and most of the time it is nothing. What alarms me is the fact that they scanned my left side and when I was at the Dr the first time they said it was my right. Now either one of them is wrong or I have multiple cysts. Most likely one of them is wrong. In that case I am sure glad they are not taking off a leg or arm. I would be like that Dr on ER where he told the to write on his good arm "Not this arm idiot".
I also added a google calendar feature so that youth can check out scheduled events. I hope it is up and running correctly. I need to get to work now so you all have a great day!
The button "Rls" is a RELEASE button. It will cut you off but it is great to use when paging the office. Once you get done with your spill, don't jung hang up because it will make a horrible noise. You need to hit the Rls button first and then you don't hear the slam. It is quite a nice little buttong once you learn how to use it. Godd luck! Davida
Thanks Deeda
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