Monday, June 06, 2011

Hectic day...

Today was crazy at work. We had a massive amount of online groups and classes beginning. This means that students call and email all day about when they can log on. Of course this is stated by the adviser and in an email once they are enrolled. That doesn't keep them from calling in and asking anyway.

We had our presentation tonight and I think we kicked butt to be honest with you. I had to get up at 4:00AM this morning to put the finishing touches on our PowerPoint.

....Oh crazy story this morning. We all woke up this morning and headed to our house. I had put my PowerPoint in a memory stick and in my pocket. Buffy asks me right before we leave if I have it. I assure her that I do and we jump in the van. We drop the kids off at my nieces house and run home. Once we get there I notice I don't have my flash drive. I look all over the house, in the car and the van. It was no where to be seen. Buffy calls my niece to see if it there and it wasn't. I was then in a state of panic. I jump in the car and fly back to my parents house. I look all over the house and around the computers. I still couldn't find it. I decide to look in my car one more time. As I am running to my car I notice a small black speck in the grass. There it was in my parents yard. Somehow I had tossed it in the grass when reaching for my keys in my pocket. What a crazy experience.

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