Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day of Soccer

Today started our spring soccer season officially. I got up this morning and headed out with Hannah for team pictures. This gave us just enough time to come back home for a few minutes and then off for Abbi's pictures. Finally we suited up and when for Hannah's game. Hannah's team started the season off good with a 4-0 win. She played really well and came close to scoring a few times.

We traveled home for awhile and then we would be off for Abbi's game. Abbi's field was a mess and made for some interesting playing. Abbi's team had two games today which all ended in a win (5-1 and 7-6). Abbi played really well and assisted in the game winning last second goal.


Anonymous said...

cute socks. Looks like Abbi and Hannah have a pair that are exactly alike.
Happy Birthday Chloe.

Anonymous said...

It looks like sweet little Hannah shared her socks with Abbi! Hopefully we will be there next Saturday! :)