Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Micah the little man

As the kids were getting ready for bed I laid on the couch tired from the day. I look over a
and notice Micah is putting up the left overs in the fridge. After that he begins to clean off the dishes and put them in the sink. Then he cleaned the counters and made sure the floor was clear of food and trash with a sweeper.

Micah wasn't told to do any of that. He just got up after putting pajamas on an cleaned. He is becoming a little man. I looked at Buffy and said maybe he learned that from me because I usually try to clean the kitchen after dinner. She said, that he may have learned it from her (jokingly). My comment was, "He learns everything in school from you, let me have this!".

Whatever it is I am proud of my little man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Proud Nana :)