Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

As I spend a few precious moments sipping coffee this morning. I can help but think of the excitement my children are feeling as they wait. The official "wake up" time is 7:00 and they have been stirring this morning. I remember those times. Waking up my brother and creeping down the hallway. We would peek around what I can only describe as a half walk to see what Santa had brought. Plugging up the tree we would check out our gifts (some wrapped and some not). Then the wait for the perfect time to wake up dad and mom. Once that happened we would open presents. Later that morning my Grandaddy and Granny would show up to see us. I loved that part and at the time I didn't realize how special that was. Then we would eventually make it to my Granny and Papaw's house where all the family gathered to socialize. We all were able to take one gift and usually it wasn't my best one because we didn't want anything to break.

Anyway I remember that excitement and now with the full understanding of Christmas it has so much more meaning. To think of my saviors coming for me. Thank you God for sending your son. We celebrate the moment you stepped out of heaven and into the World!

Well it's time!

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