James 1:5-8
"5 If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. 6 But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. 7 Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8 Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do."
When you pray do you always expect God to answer? I mean really think about it... We pray for our meals, fellowships, sicknesses, churches and family. There are times though I believe we just pray to pray. We kind of say in our own way, "God it is in your court now." What that really says is: "I am not for sure if you will answer but hey I prayed about it."
Let me give you an example in which I have done this:
When we moved to Owensboro everything fell in line. I mean everything! God confirmed his call over and over again. We prayed for God's guidance and we got it. We have never been more excited to see God work in our lives. BUT ... There is one spot that I have been praying for that is been faithless. Here it is:
This is the house we own STILL in Murray. I hoped we would sell it soon. But it is still on the market and we are almost ready to go to a reality. But I realized after reading this scripture what I have been doing. God showed me it while reading his word. I have been praying faithlessly about it selling. I have prayed just to say that I have about it. I have thought about the market right now and nobody is buying. I have thought about it being a trailer and not everyone wants one. I have thought about how there is no way everything is going to be so easy about the move. You see what all those thoughts are??? They are faithless prayers and it seems that I am "divided between God and the world"(v8). I did this not even know I was doing it. I have let my guard down and began to think like the world. I have let the unstable housing market to influence my prayers.
Have you been there?? If you were to be honest I bet you would say you have. What we need to do is pray with a faith that we know God is big enough to do it and he will answer. How do I know that? It says so..."ask our generous God, and he will give it to you"(v5). Now I am not saying that God will give you a million dollars but I am say that he will take care of his people. Keep the faith and pray.
Just this week, I thought it was me. I have also been asking God to put it on someone's heart to buy your home. I know that you are like most people and need to be rid of this extra payment. But, even though I have been praying, like you, nothing has happened yet. Then, I thought, do I really have it deep in my heart for your home to sell. Maybe deep down, I think, as long as that home is still there, there is always the chance for you to return to Murray (should things not work out in Owensboro). Then, I have even justified it to myself, that maybe that is why your home has not sold. I keep telling myself, that God has a reason. We don't know that that reason might be. Then....just this week, I told myself....you have got to get down to business and make this thing happen. That evening when I came home Glenn told me that someone had called about your home and they even had the land to move it to. These people that I have yet to meet, might be the answer to our prayers.
Love you all, and want you to have the very best.
I wish the house would just blow away in a tornado, so we can collect insurance! Frustrating!
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