Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Crazy Pi Man and Cheese Cams

I was listening to the news today and heard the story of a man that is memorizing Pi (3.14...). I was like you have to be kidding me. And then I heard him rambling numbers at a speed even an ADD kid on caffeine couldn't catch. Here is some info on this man:

"Akira Haraguchi (born 1946), a retired Japanese engineer, currently working as a mental health counsellor and business consultant in Mobara City, is known for memorizing and reciting digits of Pi.
He set the current world record (100,000 digits) in a straight 16 hours, starting at 9 a.m (16:28 GMT) on October 3, 2006 having recited by night time 83,431 digits, stopping with digit number 100,000 at 1:28 a.m. on October 4, 2006. The event was filmed in a public hall in Kisarazu, east of Tokyo, where he had five-minute breaks every two hours to eat onigiri rice balls to keep up his energy levels. Even his trips to the toilet were filmed to prove that the exercise was legitimate." -Wikipedia

Now doesn't that make you feel like an idiot? I mean it is hard enough for me to memorize birth dates and phone numbers. Then for this man to spend a whole day rolling numbers from his tongue in ways that would cause your tongue to catch fire. Madness I say...Madness.

Then on this crazy news cast I also found out a place that allows you to watch cheese age. I couldn't believe this either. What is with the world where people actually visit a website with wheels of cheese and what appears to be a teddy bear from some street gang.

Here is the link if you are REALLY Bored:

On a side note:
If you happed to come to our house within the next few days. No we have not pilled trash in our kitchen floors. We have officially cleaned out closets and are headed to the toy boxes. Donations will be made to the Angels Attic and Lifehouse Pregnancy Care Center. We have so much stuff to donate that our house will probably sit higher after this week.

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