Monday, May 07, 2007

A sad day for coffee.

This morning I got up as a normally do to get Micah ready for school. Monday pretty much starts the same. I am up at 6:30AM to fix the kids some breakfast. Then make sure Micah puts on his school clothes, brushes his teeth, combs his hair and gets his backpack ready. Some where in between all of that I begin to brew my coffee. Well I had already ground my coffee beans loaded the pot with water and flicked the power button. About a minute later I noticed that the pot was not brewing. I thought the plug might be bad so I moved the pot to another outlet. Sadly to say it was not the power outlet. It was coffee lovers nightmare. The pot had died. At first for a brief second I morned then I began to panic realizing I couldn't brew coffee. Finally I remembered my evening coffee friend the French Press. So my coffee panic has now subsided and I Buffy will be off to buy me a new coffee pot today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Got it:)