Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Winter Trip 2007

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This weekend the we headed to Gatlinburg, TN for our annual winter trip. This year it was labeled exemplify. We had two separate cabins one was the boys and the other was the girls. The event was focus on being a young man/woman of Christ.

Saturday it began to snow as we were coming back to our cabins from Gatlinburg. It continued to snow for the rest of the day and all night. We probably had about 3-4 inches fall on the ground in a 24 hour period of time.

It was beautiful but it also meant that we could not go to Pigeon Forge which the youth love to do so much. Instead the girls had like a make-up, hair cut and styling day. We had a beautician that came for that purpose. Meanwhile the guys had a pool and risk tournament with a snowball fight as well. I didn't mention that we watched part of the Nascar race. This all was going on at once which was pretty wild in the guys cabin.

The devotions, studies and group meetings went well and the Lord showed up as always. We had one saved and many that grew in fellowship with one another. I want to thank all the adults for the help and especially Ricky and Judy Stewart for being our "Trip Parents".


Anonymous said...

Is that a well that you are standing around. Sounds like you all had a good time even though you didn't get to go to Pigeon Forge or Gatlinburg. I'm sure glad I didn't have to drive up or down the mountain when it was covered with snow.

Sozo said...

That actually is a fountain/waterfall which was shut off for the winter. The youth wanted us to stop and have our picture taken there.

We did have a good time. Me and another parent tried it out that morning we left in a Suburban. It was slick coming back up. Going down was no problem though.

Unknown said...

Hey man, I am glad that everything went good on the trip. After reading your blog I realized that I really missed going with you guys. Let me know when you start planning for next year. Who knows, we might unite a KY and a KC church.