Wednesday, February 28, 2007


T-minus 2months and counting...

In May I will FINALLY Graduate. I really never thought this day would happen. I have just 3 more classes to finish and I am done! I am just so happy to be able to finish something for once. So in May if you hear a man running around Coldwater screaming that will be me.

T-minus 9 Days and counting...

I will be leaving for Arizona once again. This time I will be working in the Casa Grande area with the youth. I am just so excited to be able to go back one more time. I told those little children that I would come back this spring and I am going to. This will probably be the last mission trip to AZ for me for a while though. Still I am ready to minister once again.

I hope you all have had a great week so far. Cya next time!

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