Saturday, July 30, 2005

Saturday ...really Sunday Eve

I have noticed that I try to cram every thing possible into a Saturday. Simply because for us Christians Sunday is a high traffic day. We wake up go to church,sunday school and drive home. Then we usually rest for a few precious hours before heading back for meetings or practices. The evening services and then the ride home. Busy but we must not forget the reason we go. We are there to Worship. Worship a living, loving and REAL God.

I just hope that as we look at Saturday just as children view Christmas Eve. We should be excited to see what God is going to do. Where God is going to lead. Who God is gong to use. You all remember that feeling as a kid anticipating something big. A birthday, holiday or a family member returning home. Oh how much we need to realize the same about Sunday. Christ want's to meet us as a group of believers. WOW I can hardly wait!

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